Schrodinger's Saigon Jade
Schrödinger said his theory was just a "thought experiment." But he was a sick f@ck. These jade green frames with teal lenses memorialise one casualty, a 37" Maine coon cat named Saigon Jade, who proved his theory false when he stuffed her in a box with some radioactive material and obviously, she died.
Oh you thought the tortoise was slow? Clearly you have been reading too many of that Aesop guy's lies! The truth is, when you spray a little WD40 on a tortoise's shell, flip it on it's back and send it down a hill, well, they as FAST AS SHELL. *As you will be when you throw on these blue-lensed tortoiseshell shades! You're move Hare. *(We do not condone the use of WD40 on live turtles. This is just a joke, people.)
Made for Medium Noggins
Mirrored Reflective Lenses
Frame Measurements